Sex Worker Art Club (SWAC) is an intentional creative community of erotic laborers.

We support our individual and communal creative process through weekly virtual accountability + support meetings, and special gatherings.

The letters S W A C with a film strip through the S to make it look like a dollar sign and the W has a fishnet motif

All media.

All abilities.

All genders.

All types of erotic laborers.

We meet virtually every Tuesday from 12PM-2PM (PST)

Our (anything but) Usual meeting looks like:

12-12:30 Introductions + Catch Up

12:30 Grounding Time - Everyone is Invited to Set Intentions and Goals for their Practice Session

Focused Work Flow (Silent Mics or Shared Music)

1:05 Break time, Call-In

1:10 - 1:50 Socialize + Work Together, Body Doubling Block

1:50 Reflect, Set Goals

Interested in joining us?

Start by reading our Art Club Community Covenant.