A public health update for our beloved community, who is currently vulnerable to MPV due to the way viruses spread through *social and sexual networks* not due to any inherent biological difference or stigmatized sexual activities.
MPV is not a cause for immediate panic, it should inspire us all to caution.
{It’s often hard to tell if people have MPV}
Symptoms often start with flu-like symptoms, including fever, headache, and fatigue - not everyone has these symptoms
1 to 3 days later, people may get a rash or “blisters” on the face, arms, legs, hands, feet, and genital and anal areas - the genital/anal rash appear to be very common during this outbreak
It can take 5 to 14 days after any exposure for symptoms to appear
*In its current form, this disease is more likely dangerous to children, the elderly, immunocompromised folks, or pregnant people. While the mortality rate is currently quite low overall, health care professionals note that it is particularly painful and that we do not know enough about the long-term health effects of this virus.
MPV is NOT an STI, though it is most easily spread through bodily contact with someone infected. The longer the contact - the higher chance of transmission. Spread prior to symptoms and outbreak of rash is considered likely, although there is not enough data to confirm this (yet).
Skin to skin - lengthy huggings, cuddling, sexual contact, close contact BDSM
Linens & clothing - car seats, hotel bedding, incall linens + towels, BDSM gear
Face to face - kissing, heavy breathing, anything that shares respiratory droplets
Transmission during pregnancy is also possible
*It is very unlikely to get MPV from shaking hands, a quick clothed hug, chairs, or gym equipment
{No need to panic. Stay informed}
Get vaccinated if you are eligible (All s*x workers of any gender are eligible in SF)
If you have symptoms - get a swab test
Tests are only available for those with blister or rash-like symptoms
MPV is fairly easy to disinfect - wash bedding and clothing with standard washing machine, warm water and detergent. Clean sex toys and BDSM gear with your usual cleaning methods.
Practicing informed consent with partners regarding their potential exposures and any symptoms.
Practicing social distancing protocol and/or wearing clothing that leaves no skin exposed for contact in crowded situations.
Wash hands frequently & use alcohol-based sanitizer
Condoms are not enough protection, they do not cover the entire genital skin area
The vaccine can be administered preventively OR up to five days post contact with a known positive to prevent the development of symptoms.
The Jynneos vaccine is currently available for
People in the sex trade of ANY sexual orientation or gender identity
Transgender and nonbinary individuals
People who have had close contact in the last 14 days with someone with suspected or confirmed MPV
People who had close contact with others at a venue or event in a social group in the past 14 days where a suspected or confirmed MPV case was identified
Lab workers who routinely perform MPV virus testing
Clinicians who have had a high-risk occupational exposure
* If you do not feel comfortable disclosing that you are a s*x worker, you can just tell them that you have had close contact with someone that has had MPV
*You do NOT have to show proof of residence to be vaccinated in a certain city or county, it is available for anyone who lives or works there
Due to high demand and low availability, many locations are running out of vaccines.
If possible: Call ahead of time - Arrive early - Prepare to wait in line.
Many community clinics are doing pop-up clinics, we will be sharing as many of these as possible on social media, so check back.
SF.GOV/information/monkeypox-vaccine San Francisco's Municipal Response to MPV, vaccination and treatment info.
Zuckerberg SF General Learning Center (ZSFG clinic), 1001 Potrero Avenue, Building 30, 2nd Floor, San Francisco, Monday-Friday, 8am-noon.The following locations have supplies of Jynneos vaccine by appointment only:
Adult Immunization and Travel Clinic (AITC) patients call: 415-554-2625
Strut patients: call 415-581-1600
Kaiser-Permanente patients and non-patients: call 415-833-9999
SF Health Network patients: call your provider or health center directly
UCSF patients and non-patients: call 415-502-3566Lyon Martin Health Clinic (queer+trans folks): call 415-565-7667
ACPHD.ORG/programs-and-services/monkeypox {Alameda County response to MPV, vax, and treatment info. *Not explicitly vaxing SWers, unlike SF and Sac}
Sacramento Immunization Services, 916-875-7468 {Department of Health Services for Sac County lists this phone number for assistance getting vaccinated for MPV, and SW are listed explicitly as eligible}
The San Francisco AIDS Foundation offers information on the spread, a petition to the federal government to increase their response, harm reduction education, as well as testing. Testing is currently available for those with an active rash or lesions
Listen to KQED Forum show on Bay Area MPV:
Source information and more information can be found at: